Artist Members

Supporting Independent Artists

Artist Members

Artists who have released music and who have played at an NBS event are eligible to be Artist Members. Artist Members are eligible for certain benefits, including opportunities to play at NBS sponsored events. Benefits are tailored to the artist with no contracts.

Future Artist Members

Future Artist Members are nominated by Member Artists or Patrons. As we increase Patrons, we add Artist Members. The best way to become an Artist Member is to help us find the ‘others’ - Patrons who support independent artists and commit to donate.

Artist Advisors

Artist Advisors are NBS alums who have found success and are still climbing, or industry supporters who support our mission. Artist Advisors are eligible for the same benefits as ‘Artist Members’ and could be called upon for an NBS sponsored event.

We’re Not Alone

NBS has partnered with Carter Vintage Guitars and Nashville music venues (with more to come) to support independent artists.